Rainbow Violets

Rainbow Violets
This rainbow-colored ensemble will bring brightness to every correspondence. A happy palette is personalized with rainbow block letters and accented by the signature Mighty Violet print featured in a rainbow color way. A super sweet set, it’s sure to be opened with a smile!
Samples shown is printed on our super fine 100# card stock Classic White, and personalized with rainbow-colored block letters. Envelope shown is Geisha Red, and features a Classic White Liner with coordinating rainbow violet print. Your choice of envelope color, and and other customization available upon request!
Product Specs:
4.25” x 5.75” Folded Cardstock
Colored Envelope
Mighty Liner
Digital Printing
You’ll receive a proof via email within 2-3 days of placing your order. Once approved, your order will be processed. Production time is 7 business days. Please note that production time begins once your proof is approved.
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